Sunday, November 25, 2007

Starting Again

Oh boy.

We had “US Thanksgiving” yesterday for my husband. We feel completely justified in putting the day just anywhere, as long as it falls on a weekend because up here in Canada we don’t actually get the actual day off. Well since we were at my mother’s house… I figured it was high time to step on the old scale. I don’t have one at home because I convinced myself that Oh I’m Not My Jean Size or some craziness like that. But I seem to have forgotten that My Butt Shall Require Its Own Postal Code if left to increase at will.

I’m now just a ham sandwich away from my weight in August 2006… when I was 9 months pregnant. Ahem. I’m going to be brave and name numbers for you. 185 lbs. Yep. That’s it. That’s what I weigh. What I SHOULD weigh is 155 lbs. What I’d LIKE to weigh is 150 lbs.

I noticed an increase in poundage when I returned to work. Much butt sitting. And of course I can play the “I’m too busy” card quite easily.

But the time for change has arrived. I need to be healthier, I need to lose weight, I need to tell the post office that my butt doesn’t want any junk mail.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Look for updates soon...

Yes... updates will be starting soon...


Yeah baby!