Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Warning: Do not run while grumpy

Not such a great run today.

1. Was Grumpy because boyfriend forgot run date. (Forgave him because he has a very sore neck after wrestling with my three year old child. Questioning boyfriends suitability as wrestling partner for Super Boy)

2. Became Grumpier when I forgot my waterbottle and it was hot in the car.

3. Grumpier still when I jogged past crazy grandmother-woman feeding the geese NOT TEN FEET from the DON'T FEED GEESE sign.

4. Definitely hit Grumpy low when I realized running was feeling like crap because I had not consumed enough water. This morning I drank a big glass of water (because of course I had not hydrated since bed time, nine hours earlier, so it seems likely that my body would need water by morning) but since that time I had only had two cups of coffee. Coffee is not really water. With my uneducated logic, coffee is a diuretic therefore it stands to reason that one of its jobs is to remove water from my body.

Strangely enough I made the loop in 14 minutes dispite the fact that I ran/walked it. But I'm chalking it up to some quick sprints I did at the end.

By quick sprints I mean I RAN ten steps, caught my breath, RAN ten steps... la la la. Not fun, but great release for grumpiness.

Now, for lunch, I am eating green beans and left over steak and I do not feel guilty for taking out of the fridge this morning and leaving boyfriend to fend for himself at lunch.

1 comment:

Miss Pickle said...

Getting started on a run while you're grumpy is the worst part...after you're done though, I bet you felt a million times better! (I hope so anyways!)